Hello and welcome to the start of the 2022-2023 School Year Everyone!
Please find the computer check-out information below for all high school students registered to take a dual credit or an E-Learning class this fall semester.
Distribution Date: August 17th from 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:00-3:30pm
Please Bring: A completed Technology and Laptop Agreement form, including a check for the computer insurance if you are planning to choose the school insurance. The Technology Agreement Form can be found on the grotonarea.com website. Paper copies of the Technology Agreement Form can be picked up from the High School Office. Both students and parents or guardians must sign the agreement form.
Plan to: Allow enough time to meet with school staff, log into student computer, and print Dual Credit or E-Learning syllabus and course information.
Enjoy the last bit of summer, and we'll see you soon!
Mrs. Sombke