Dear Parents –

On Thursday, April 21st, 2022 the School for the Deaf will be at the Groton Area School District to complete hearing screens on students in grades K, 1, 4, 7, 11 and any referrals or rechecks from the previous year’s hearing screen.  An audiologist or audiology technician from the School for the Deaf will be conducting the screening.  A note will be sent home that confirms that your child has passed the hearing screen.

If a child fails the screen, and the audiologist suspects hearing loss then further FREE testing is available in the mobile diagnostic hearing lab on that same day.  If your child needs further evaluation through the mobile lab, we will attempt to reach parents/guardians by telephone, as the SD School for the Deaf requires verbal permission to test.  If the parent/guardian can’t be contacted, the evaluation will not be completed.  In this instance, the speech pathologist will contact you with further options.

If you have concerns about your child’s hearing and they are not in the grades listed above, just give the elementary or high school a call, ask for Beth Gustafson, RN, and she can set your child up to receive a hearing screen.  You will be required to fill out the appropriate consent forms.

Please give the school a call by April 15th, 2022 to not miss out on this great opportunity!

Beth Gustafson, RN - Brett Schwan Elementary Principal - and Kiersten Sombke MS/HS Principal

Mary Hempel - Jen Deutsch – Speech and Language Pathologists

Elementary – 397-2317

MS/HS – 397-8381