Hello students and families!
Happy November! I hope you are all enjoying the beautiful fall weather we’ve been having and taking advantage of the above freezing temperatures, as we know in South Dakota that winter temps will surely follow!
This week we will be celebrating Veteran’s Day with a Veteran’s Breakfast held at the Elementary School beginning at 7:30am, and a traditional program beginning at 2:00pm in the Groton Area Arena. Please scroll down to view the class and bell schedule for the MS/HS Building for the school day on November 11th, as classes will run on a shortened schedule.
Some other highlights to note this week are the dual credit enrollment days:
- Monday November 8th for Board of Regents 4-year schools. All juniors and seniors may see Mrs. Schwan on Monday November 8th DURING their current dual credit hour to register for next semester, any student not currently enrolled in a dual credit course may see Mrs. Schwan during their study hall.
- Tuesday November 9th for South Dakota Technical College 2-year programs. All juniors and seniors may see Mrs. Schwan and Lee Quale from Lake Area Technical College during their current dual credit hour, or study hall hour if student does not have a dual credit course this semester. Lee Quale is the Dual Credit Enrollment Representative from Lake Area Technical College and can help students register for enrollment in any of the South Dakota Technical Colleges.
For your convenience, additional “Dates to Know” are listed below. Have a great week, and a happy fall everyone!
Mrs. Sombke
Veteran’s Day Bell Schedule, November 11, 2021
1st 8:30-9:17am
2nd 9:21-10:08am
3rd 10:12-10:59am
1st Lunch 11:03-11:26am
1st 4th 11:03-11:42am
2nd 4th 11:26-12:05pm
2nd Lunch 11:42-12:05pm
5th 12:09-12:42pm
6th 12:46-1:19pm
7th 1:23-1:55pm
Dates to Know:
11/8 School Board Meeting @ 7:00pm, Groton Area Library Conference Room
11/8 Dual Credit Registration 4-year SD Board of Regent Schools (juniors and seniors)
11/9 Dual Credit Registration 2-year SD Technical College Schools (juniors and seniors)
11/11 Veteran’s Breakfast @ 7:30am Groton Elementary School
11/11 Veteran’s Day Program @ 2:00pm Groton Area Arena
11/24 No School- Thanksgiving Break
11/25 No School- Thanksgiving Break
11/26 No School- Thanksgiving Break
12/9 MS/HS Christmas Concert @ 7:00pm GHS Old Gym
12/11 ACT at Groton Area
12/17 Schedule change day MS/HS Building
12/20 Schedule change day MS/HS Building
12/22 Early dismissal @ 2:00pm
12/22 End of 1st Semester
12/23-1/3 Christmas Break
1/4 School Resumes
1/14 No School- Staff Inservice/NCSEC Inservice
2/17 Parent-Teacher Conferences @ 4:00-8:00pm
2/18 Parent-Teacher Conferences @ 8:00am-12:00pm/No School for Students
2/21 No School- President’s Day
4/2 ACT at Groton Area