MS/HS Dates to Know-Starting Well

Hello students and families!

I hope that you are all enjoying the last bit of summer, and this wonderful weather!  Please know that we are all so excited to be welcoming students back into the building to start the 2020-2021 school year.  I would like to encourage you to continue to check back to the "news" page or Groton Area Facebook Page often, to keep up to date with announcements or changes.

Mrs. Schwan, Groton Area Opportunities Coordinator, will be mailing out a postcard this week that will provide the same "Dates to Know" as listed above.  In an effort to provide a little more information regarding these dates, please read below to learn more about what students and families will have access to on those dates:

August 7th:

-Student schedules for grades 6-12 will be posted on Parent Portal by 5:00pm

-1st quarter deadline for families who are choosing "Remote Learning" (please go to the Groton Area Website, and go to the "Groton Area Returning to School Plan" for a full description of Remote Learning requirements and criteria)

August 10th:

-ALL Dual Credit Students (Juniors and Seniors already registered to take a dual credit course through one of the SD State Universities or Technical Schools) must stop at the school office to review/check paperwork and class schedule between 9:00-3:00pm

 -Dual Credit Students may pick up a technology agreement form; Dual Credit Students will not be able to check out a computer on August 18th without having turned in a completed and parent/guardian signed technology agreement form

August 12t:

-MS/HS Schedule Change Day (High School Main Office) 9:00-3:00pm

-Please enter through the main school entrance door; students will be served in order of arrival, one at a time, as quickly as possible

 -Please utilize social distancing when waiting in line; we thank you for your patience as you wait to be served!

August 18th:

-Computer pick up for ONLY Dual Credit Students (students will HAVE to submit a completed technology agreement form in order to check out a computer)

August 19th:

-First day of school for the 2020-2021 school year; all classes begin for Dual Credit, general education, E-Learning and remote learning (remote learning option deadline was August 7th for 1st quarter)

August 21st:

            -Final day for Schedule Changes grades 6-12

Please contact the MS/HS Office with any questions, or to clarify any of the information listed above.   Again, to read the complete "Groton Area Returning to School Plan", please go to: 

-the Groton Area Website,

-click on "Documents"

-click on "COVID19 Documents”

-click on the "Groton Area Returning to School Plan", which should be right at the top of the list of documents on that page

Please let us know what questions you have, and how we can help.  

Looking forward to seeing all of you!

In this together, 

Mrs. Sombke