
Subject:  OST, Connect 4Ed, Library/Material Return

Parents and Guardians,

At the last school board meeting the decision was made to not open OST for summer services.  The District felt that due to CDC guidelines and restrictions, OST would not be able to operate in a manageable way.  We understand this may cause some difficulties and hardships for some families which is why we are letting you know now so you can make alternate plans.

Secondly, Groton Area Elementary will not be providing their summer school program Connect 4Ed.  Students who are in special education and are on an IEP will still receive Extended School Year services if they qualify.  Teachers will be notifying these students/families.  Please let your child’s teacher know if you are interested or want more information about summer bridge books that are available for purchase from an outside company. 

Please be looking out for an announcement of when materials can be brought back to the elementary school.  May 15 and 18 have been designated as the official return dates for materials to be dropped off.  An official schedule will be post by Mr. Joe Schwan.  Please make sure to check for classroom books, library books, and any other materials owned by the school.  Families will not be allowed to return materials on the busses.

I finally want to thank all the families and students for their hard work and dedication.  Nobody expected the school year to finish like this, and I sincerely have appreciated your understanding and flexibility.  I hope that we can start the 2020-2021 school year on a much more positive note.


Brett Schwan

Elementary Principal