The GHS Oral Interpretation Team competed at the Region IV A contest on November 19, 2019 at the NSU Campus. Competing for GHS were the following:
Readers Theater- Kayla Jensen, KaSandra Pappas, Hailey Monson, Sage Mortenson, Riley Rosenau, Allyssa Fordham; Duet Interpretation- Monson and Mortenson; Dramatic Interp- Camryn Kurtz; Humorous Interp- Hannah Monson; Storytelling K Pappas; Poetry and Non-original Oratory- Samantha Pappas
GHS Region Team- left to right Riley Rosenau, KaSandra Pappas, Allyssa Fordham, Kayla Jensen, Samantha Pappas, Hailey Monson, Camryn Kurtz, Sage Mortenson, Hannah Monson
Advancing to the State Oral Interpretation Festival to be held in Yankton on December 6th and 7th are Kurtz in Dramatic Interp and S Pappas in Non-original Oratory. Alternates from GHS are Monson and Fordham in Duet and K Pappas in Storytelling.