Congratulations to 8th grader Libby Cole (Trombone), 7th grader Novalea Warrington (Flute/Piccolo), and 6th grader Liam Johnson (Alto Sax) for being accepted into the 2024 SD Middle School All State Band. This year marks the 25th anniversary with conductors Mr. Randall Standridge (Honor Band) and Dr. Larry Petersen (Festival Band). This year there were 598 auditions submitted from 75 schools. 199 students were selected with 52 schools represented in the state. Novalea and Liam were selected into the honor band and Libby was selected into the festival band. Libby will also be presented with her 3-year member award. MS All State Band will be held in Mitchell on March 1-2 with a concert on Saturday March 2nd at 3:00 pm. Congratulations students on a job well done! We are proud of you!
Middle School All-State Band
February 20, 2024